Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pasta & Passata

We had many tomatoes this year, tiny ones, yellow ones, huge beef ones. I think LW grew about a tonne.

Last year, we thought we'd grown enough to make passata to last us the winter. In practice, we ate it all in about 2 weeks, so LW's enthusiasm for tomato production scaled new heights this year, with the specific intention to make enough for a whole winter. I think we've succeeded, and LW reached her limit when it came to the picking of them.

They are a brilliant base for all sorts of tomato-based fun. Here's the easiest of them all: Pasta with a tomato sauce: The sauce is simply softened onion and garlic, deglazed with some sherry and then passata and (in this case) creme fraiche and parmesan added, with a handful of shredded rocket at the last moment.

It looks like this:

(or at least it will when blogger lets me upload the image. Oh the tension.)


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